
在德国马普胶体界面所(MPIKG),你、我、他、她都曾有留下过我们的脚印,都曾渡过我们人生最美好的时光 。为了给大家提供一个更好的学术交流和友谊延续的平台,我创建本网站,并主持第一届中国马普胶体界面所所友学术交流会。这只是一个开始,希望今后在大家的共同努力下,我们能将学术交流延续下去,并在学术讨论中加深友谊。

本此会议得到了Helmuth Möhwald教授的高度赞赏和支持,他强调这个交流平台不仅仅局限于界面部的所友,并承诺推动该模式的学术交流,使之最终成为中国马普胶体界面所所友及胶体界面领域的科学家与德国马普胶体界面所的一个长期学术交流的平台。






I would like to welcome our guests, in special the institute´s former co-workers at our first Sino-German symposium in Beijing. On behalf of my director colleagues I can assure that we appreciate the important contributions made by our former Chinese students and postdocs to the development of the MPIKG. We are also glad that many of them could develop a career in China and look forward to a further fruitful collaboration. This meeting is intended to strengthen the ties between the MPIKG and the former Chinese co-workers which should be profitable scientifically as well as on a personal basis by stimulating visits of younger scientists enjoying research and culture of the respective other country. This meeting, if successful, should lay a base for further ones involving all departments of the institute and an increasing number of alumnis.

Wishing us this success and looking forward to enjoyable 2 days.


Helmuth Möhwald

June 15, 2009 in Golm